Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Story Behind The Story: new show recorded tonight, featuring repeating guest Chumba in 2nd hour. Listen online or download FREE

I rambled for the first hour, Chumba called in the better portion of the 2nd hour. Sorry bout my distorted audio, next one will be much better. Learning as we go. Enjoy.

The Story Behind The Story 30 Jul 2013

Listen to internet radio with LabVirus on BlogTalkRadio

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

History repeats itself: once again, the radio show has been taken off the air by the network without warning and no explanation given. Way to say THANKS for all the hard work promoting them.

Listen to internet radio with LabVirus on BlogTalkRadio

Until further notice, it appears there will be no new broadcasts of The Story Behind The Story, a show hosted by A. True Ott PhD which I have been guest-hosting two days a week for 8 months or so. The most recent show archived on their site is July 17, and I am furiously downloading all archives I can, and when completed they too will be uploaded to YouTube and added to the list of TSBTS archives here on this site.

I am utterly speechless. After spending hundreds on archive subscriptions and donations, and volunteering my time and energy to put together content for twice-a-week two hour shows for the past eight months, this treatment today is inexcusable.

I showed up having prepared today's show for the past few hours, notes in hand, and fifteen minutes before airtime was informed via Skype simply "no show today" and when I asked for explanation got no response. I replied "unbelievable" and the response I got was simply "thanks".

So there you go folks, welcome to The Censorship Effect.

I have most of the shows from TME except for the last 2 weeks or so on hard drive, all the way back to the start of the run with the network. My friend has a nearly full collection of all the previous shows from GCN and I think maybe also RBN, and we are coordinating efforts to compile a DVD archive to make available at a nominal cost just to cover expenses. I also hope to somehow provide it for electronic download. Stay tuned.

In the meanwhile this now signals the resurrection of The Labvirus Show on BlogTalkRadio, and tonight I recorded a 45 minute show featuring special guest Dr. A. True Ott PhD: The Labvirus Show Episode #40

Somehow, some way, at the very least I will continue to bring new shows forward, and hopefully can convince True not to give up broadcasting at this point, as I can only imagine how suckerpunched he must be feeling at the moment.

For all the loyal fans of the show, do not lose hope, I am on it working toward solutions to keep the show alive, and will be bringing you updates of my progress. At some point I can assume you all can look for an announcement from True regarding today's events at his own site.

God bless you all, and thank you all for your continued support.

Friday, July 5, 2013

NSA Gestapo shenanigans at the Camp Williams facility

Below is today's broadcast of TSBTS where True and Dane Phillips recount their visit to Bluffdale on the 4th this past Thursday to protest the NSA Camp Williams facility.