Monday, May 16, 2011

USNORTHCOM participates in National Level Exercise 2011 – New Madrid Faultline / Mississippi River Valley
May 16, 2011
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – U.S. Northern Command kicks off exercise ARDENT SENTRY 2011 today as part of the National Level Exercise 2011 in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Guard Bureau and other federal agencies responding to a simulated earthquake along the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
The exercise starting today and concluding on May 20 incorporates several military exercises with the National Guard from eight central U.S. States: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee; and four FEMA regions. As part of ARDENT SENTRY, USNORTHCOM will exercise the Contingency Dual Status Command initiative, which allows for a commissioned officer of the Regular Army or Regular Air Force or state Army National Guard or Air National Guard to command and control state and federal military assets in a Defense Support of Civil Authorities environment.
NLE 11 will validate existing plans, policies, and procedures, including the Federal Interagency Response Plan, state and regional New Madrid catastrophic plans.
For more information about NLE 11, visit the FEMA web site,
National Level Exercise: May 16–20, 2011
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[thanks to for some of the previous links]
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