Wednesday, April 15, 2015

CA SB277 is not going unnoticed.

I have an uphill battle building my presence as a composer for film and TV also as a record producer, and I choose willingly to put these projects on the back burner as I devote time and energy to protecting the future health of all Californians.  This has become costly.  Yet I continue knowing no cost is greater than to lose freedom of choice.   And I dont even have kids, yet.

Today state senator Dr Richard Pan's bill to remove personal exemptions from vaccines for children entering school was held over, postponed to be voted on at a later date perhaps as early as next week.  Some have commented this will allow him to revise the bill to possibly win the needed votes, and also may afford him a private closed-session vote not open to the public or press.

I have been asking around and most people I talk to are against the bill, with only a few thinking it's a good thing.  After some debate with the supporters, it usually doesnt take me long to get them to reconsider and be inspired to do some (more) research on their own instead of listening to what the TV tells them.

Several discussion groups on vaccines have been inundated with trolls and agent-provocateurs, and Ive been busy filtering them and deleting their unsolicited requests.  Groups ridiculing those who protest have sprouted up, and some of their actions have been quite remarkable.

This push to mandate vaccines as requirements for schoolkids is just the beginning imho, and if allowed to establish itself as a precedent will open the floodgates for an avalanche of other mandates all designed to circumvent the absence of federal laws, which in some instances are already in place (such as the MSHEPA) while others are on the drawing board.

This concern was one of the fundamental reasons I started this blog years ago, and I firmly believe this to be a war on our health waged by state-sponsored bigpharmafia with malice of forethought and clear intent to cause harm.

I sincerely pray Californians are able to keep state senate from passing SB277.  I am concerned for the fallout that will play out should it pass.

Regarding RFK Jr's tour promoting his film "Trace Amounts" - I dont trust him far as he can be thrown and I suspect he likely is another controlled opposition shill.  He claims to be pro-vax, working to bring safety to vaccines.  I call bullshit.  No such thing as a safe vaccine, and anyone thinking there is was or can be is not to be trusted.  A huge red flag for me is the fact he charges admission to the screenings of his film, while films like BOUGHT are available free online.  As if he needs to pocket a profit because he is so down-and-out.  Megapuke.

Vote delayed on California bill seeking to toughen vaccine mandate

HHS is hiring for vaccine development

Dear California NVIC Supporters and Advocacy Team Members,

This is a reminder to the note we sent last week that SB 277, by California Senator Richard Pan and Senator Ben Allen to repeal the personal belief exemption to mandatory vaccination, is being heard in the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday 4/15. It is important that you ramp up your calls and emails to committee members and find time ASAP to talk with your own senator and assembly member requesting them to VOTE NO on SB 277

SB 277 passed the Senate Health Committee by a vote of 6 yes and 2 no, with Senator Hernandez abstaining. Ayes: Hall, Mitchell, Monning, Nguyen, Pan, Wolk. Noes: Nielsen, Roth.  Opponents coming to the microphone to voice opposition outnumbered supporters by a factor of almost 10:1. It would be nice to kill this bill in the Education Committee.

It is also important that you contact your own State Senator and State Assembly Member and Governor Brown to ask them to oppose SB 277

Please educate them as to why personal are religious exemptions to mandated vaccinations are important to your family and explain that the passage of any this bill will create an even more hostile environment for California families who don’t agree with safety, efficacy, or necessity of every single dose of every single government mandated vaccine.

If the California Legislature passes SB 277, the only option left for parents will be medical exemptions that must be signed by a licensed physician.  These are very hard to get.


1)  Continue to contact members of the Senate Education Committee today and Wednesday and request that they vote NO on SB277. The hearing is being held on 4/15/15 at 9 am in the John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) (  Once again, unfortunately, only invited testimony will be given, but you can attend to show your support for those opposing the bill and watch online at

It is really important to let Education Committee members know that this bill will not make you fully vaccinate with every vaccine, it will just kick your kids out of school.  Let committee members know that homeschooling is not an option for you because of work, children needing services in school, etc., or if your child has had a reaction or a family history of reactions and you can’t get a medical exemption.  Other talking points and our testimony is listed below.

California Senate Education Committee Members - 2015
Capitol Phone
Legislator Web Page
Carol Liu, Chair
(916) 651-4025

Bob Huff, Vice Chair
(916) 651-4029

Marty Block
(916) 651-4039

Loni Hancock
(916) 651-4009

Connie M. Leyva
(916) 651-4020

Tony Mendoza
(916) 651-4032

Richard Pan
(916) 651-4006

Andy Vidak
(916) 651-4014 - committee web page

2)  Choose how you would like to deliver your message to your own legislators. The suggested modes of communication below are listed in the order of being more likely to be more impactful on educating your legislator.

a) Make an appointment for a direct personal visit;

b) Make an appointment to talk directly in a personal phone call;

c) Make an appointment to talk in person to a legislative aide (capitol or district office);

d) Call and talk to a legislative aide to relay a message; or

e) Send a letter, a fax, or an email through web contact forms or legislative email address (make sure to include your address to show you are from CA and the district).

3)  Lookup your State Representative and Senator and their contact information.

Enter your address here:  for your State Assembly Member and State Senator’s contact information. 

Find the location of your State Senator’s district office here -  Find the location of your State Assembly Member’s district office here -

Or if you are registered with the NVIC Advocacy Portal, register/login at Click on “Check What is Happening in Your State” on the home page or “My State” on the STATE TEAMS Tab.  Your personal state legislators are listed on the right side of the page. Click on them one at a time to display their contact information.

4)  Ask Governor Brown to respect religious rights and the right of Californians to delay or exempt their child from one or more of the vaccines on the one-size-fits-all-schedule for personal or religious beliefs.

California already has a restricted personal belief exemption that requires the additional signature of a health care provider because of the passage of AB 2109 in 2012.  California does not have a separate religious exemption in the law.  When Governor Brown signed AB 2109 on Sept. 30, 2012, he directed the health department to also allow for a separate religious exemption on the form.

Contact Information for Governor Brown: 5) 

5)  Suggested talking points for legislators:

Introduce yourself and identify yourself as a constituent if the call, visit, or email is to your own Senator or Assembly Member. 
     Ask them to support maintaining personal belief and religious and to oppose any effort to repeal or restrict these exemptions.

Share that you are very concerned about the extremely hostile environment a bill like this could create for California families who don’t agree with safety, efficacy, or necessity of every single dose of every single government mandated vaccine.
     Explain why it is important to your family to be able to delay or decline vaccination.  This bill isn’t going to make you vaccinate, it will just make educating your child almost impossible. This is where you could BRIEFLY share your vaccine reaction, harassment, or vaccine failure story to personalize your communication.

     Ask them their position on SB 277 and please link to our California Legislative Survey Form and let us know so we can learn where we need to continue to target our efforts. You are free to use any of the talking points in our NVIC written testimony (posted below) against this bill that resonate with you. 

6)  Refer to NVIC’s “Reforming Vaccine Policy and Law” guide for answers to questions your legislators may have.  The fully referenced version can be found at: You can include this link in your letters as well.

7) Refer to “Measles in Disneyland: Third MMR Shot and Vaccine Exemption Ban?”  by NVIC’s President Barbara Loe Fisher for some illuminating insight into facts that need to be exposed about the California measles outbreak and other vaccine failures.

8) Please correct the media when you see misinformation and to affirm the right of families to utilize personal belief exemptions to mandatory vaccination.  Use comment boards for online articles, letters to the editor or editorials for print media, and phone calls and emails to news stations. There has been a lot of misinformation in the media, especially in California.

9)  Please forward this email to family and friends and ask them to share their concerns with their legislators as well.

10) Login to the NVIC Advocacy Portal often at  NVIC Advocacy will post and follow any bills in California that propose to further restrict or eliminate exemptions to mandatory vaccination.

NVIC Written Testimony Against SB 277

Dawn Richardson
Director of Advocacy
National Vaccine Information Center
Statement Opposing SB 277
California Senate Education Committee
Hearing on April 15, 2015

Thank you for providing this opportunity to express our opposition to SB 277 which proposes to eliminate the personal belief exemption to mandatory vaccination in California.

I am offering this statement of opposition on behalf of California donor supporters of the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center, a consumer advocacy organization founded in 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and the protection of the informed consent ethic.

This bill, if passed, would make the only vaccine exemption option in California a difficult to obtain medical exemption.

There are many outstanding questions the bill sponsor and other legislators have failed or refused to answer if this bill passes including:

·        How will families who still decide to delay or decline vaccines provide a legally required education for their child? Have you considered the implications for the future for these children for whom you would be denying an education?

·        What happens to a parent who still refuses to vaccinate their child if this bill passes? Will they be punished for truancy? Will they be arrested? Will families be broken apart by child protective services?

·        What happens to the child whose parent does not agree with the safety, efficacy, or necessity of every single California mandated vaccine? Will the child be taken from their loving parents and forcibly vaccinated?

·        What will happen to children who have family histories or personal histories with vaccine reactions that families can’t find a doctor to write a medical exemption?

It is wrong for the bill authors to promote this type of condemning and discriminating legislation without clearly telling families of this state and other legislators what passage would actually mean for families in disagreement with the use of every mandated vaccine.
There are many legitimate reasons why families may question the use of some or all vaccines including:

It is particularly disturbing that Physicians, in the American Medical Association Code of Ethics, affirm philosophical and religious exemptions for themselves (see Opinion 9.133 Routine Universal Immunization of Physicians) and yet they want to remove this same right in law for California parents and their children.

By targeting only those students with personal belief exemptions, SB 277 has absolutely nothing to do with public health and protecting immune compromised students. Some people are non-responders to some vaccines and vaccine effectiveness for some vaccines, especially for pertussis containing vaccines, wanes rapidly. Some students are provisionally enrolled and not fully vaccinated at the time of enrollment. Federal law, the McKinney-Vento Act, requires that homeless students be allowed to attend school without proof of immunizations.   Some students are delinquent on vaccinations (no vaccine and no exemption to comply with the mandate). There are no requirements (and there shouldn’t be) that teachers, staff, and administration be vaccinated with the same childhood vaccine schedule. These all are people who are no different immunologically than a healthy student with a vaccine exemption and yet they represent a much larger percentage of the school population than the small percentage of students holding a personal belief exemption targeted for expulsion by this bill. 

On the other hand, students with active HIV infections are not only allowed to attend school, the confidentiality of their infection status is protected in law. Students infected with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C also attend school without parents of other students being told. Students who are vaccinated with live viral vaccines experience viral shedding and can infect susceptible individuals for a period of several weeks post vaccination and yet they are allowed to attend school too. Some people who are vaccinated still get the illness (vaccine failures) while some have subclinical infections and can still transmit vaccine preventable diseases and not show symptoms because the vaccine suppresses them. 

Prohibiting kids with personal belief vaccine exemptions from attending school won’t prevent vaccine targeted communicable diseases. There was a recent outbreak of pertussis at Monterrey Park School in Salinas, California.  All 4 cases were in vaccinated students even in spite of a 99.5% school vaccination rate.  The previous year in that same school district, only 9% of the cases of pertussis were in students never vaccinated.  Claiming SB 277 will create a safe environment for immune compromised students is not only dishonest, it puts those students at risk of being a victim of a false sense of security.  
SB 277 will not make parents vaccinate their children who don’t want to; the bill just kicks their children out of school, but these kids still live here and are part of the community and future of this state. SB 277 is based on the faulty assumption that denying partially or unvaccinated children an education produces an overall desirable outcome for the state of California. The bottom line is SB 277 needs to be opposed because it isolates, marginalizes and punishes healthy California children whose parents don’t agree with all government mandated vaccines by extorting an education with vaccination.  Vote no on SB 277.


NVIC Advocacy Team and

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) works diligently to prepare and disseminate our legislative advocacy action alerts and supporting materials.  We request that organizations and members of the public forward our alerts in their original form to assure consistent and accurate messaging and effective action. Please acknowledge NVIC as originators of this work when forwarding to members of the public and like-minded organizations. To receive alerts immediately, register  at, a website dedicated to this sole purpose and provided as a free public service by NVIC. 

Make A Difference, support NVIC. NVIC is a certified 501(c)3 Charity.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A note from the blog host

in 2009 i started this blog just trying to database various articles and media clips relative to my thesis: that bioweapons and vaccines are being used by the us govt against the public as a tool with which to usher in the nwo by (1) making everyone ill - sick people dont fight well, (2) sterilizing the public (3) databasing the public and (4) culling the herd. more facets to the agenda, but to me those are the biggies. imho the vaccine issue is the most important, the canary in the coalmine, which if mandated will set precedents opening the doors for more restrictions and loss of freedoms. hand-in-hand with the vaccine agenda being pressed forward is one of psychiatry, with a new DSM-IV that includes defining resistance to state-sponsored mandates as a mental illness. this opens a whole new can of worms, and it only gets uglier from there. this agenda is so important to the success of the nwo they have funded it to the gills, hiring professional shills to infiltrate into resistance, pose as "leaders" and operate as gatekeepers. we have seen plenty of this activity here in this group. I am certain that Rima Laibow, her husband Bert Stubblebine, Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane, Jordan Maxwell, Alex Jones, and a laundry list of others have been well paid to pretend to be patriotic opponents meanwhile working to sabotage any real resistance effort. I cannot emphasize enough how important i believe this effort of ours to be, for if vaccine mandates take effect, fecal matter is going to contact rotating blade apparatus and all hell is going to break loose. counting on this having simulated it in advance on their "virtual world" supercomputers, the govt is counting on this reaction and has prepared for "civil unrest" with fema camps and so on. when the day comes that shit does hit the fan, the nwo will deploy foreign UN troops who will pop out of underground bases everywhere and wont have any problem shooting Americans. if their vaccine angle fails, along with a couple other angles theyre trying to get us to submit willingly, they are prepared to go live with project bluebeam, to fake an alien landing using advanced tech holography and other bells and whistles, which to us will appear so convincingly real everyone will be so scared shitless most will be begging the nwo to come and save the day. folks im not joking these genocidal satanists are serious and on a timeline and that day is fast approaching. get off your asses, do your homework, and prepare for a shitstorm the likes of which no one has ever seen before nor dreamed possible. dont die passively because normalcy bias left you ignorant and complacent. stop drinking the fluoride.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Jesus never said NUTHIN bout no EGGLAYIN BUNNYRABBIT

"Easter" actually Ishtar (ashtaroth in hebrew) is babylonian not Christian, celebrating the wife of sun-god Baal. if Jesus died on a Friday and rose on the third day then easter should be on a monday. Jesus actually died later in the year, on a wednesday.