Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Perfect Storm

I've said it before and I'll say it again: force multipliers are all being converged simultaneously to correspond with the pending US/Israel strike on Iran, which will no doubt ignite WWIII.  This includes the chemtrails agenda (doubletime here in SFBayArea), global financial collapse (by design, aka "economageddon"), genocidal lab-created bioweapons releases (new strains of H5N1, H1N1, H3N2, dengue, not to mention the "zombie" chimera virus combining rabies, smallpox and airborne influenza), MK assaults (lone shooters "gone postal"), artificial "natural disasters", vaccine propaganda, gun controls, and the preparation of the network of FEMA camps.   There are no coincidences.

I'm crunching the recordings of past broadcasts and putting them up on YouTube.  This will take some time, and the page will be updating as I do them, so visit often.  I'm working with most recent backward toward 01 March 2011.

NVIC Educates One Million on New Year's Eve in NYC's Times Square

HPV vaccines damned in the Annals of Medicine

Dr Jacob Puliyel: Occupy Medicine - Vaccines for 99% versus Profits for the 1%

More on the Shenzhen human H5N1 case

Ted Gunderson Interview 5-14-2011

Oppose Government, Lose Citizenship, Go Straight to Gitmo

The ongoing global financial war is reaching its final stages  


The military to designate Americans as the enemy . . . again

2012: World On The Brink 

Does the US Government want to prevent you from leaving? 

Israel, U.S. discuss triggers for military strike on Iran

Iran Outlines Key Steps And Actors In A Potential Straits Of Hormuz Closure

Weather Warfare: The Military’s Plan To Draft Mother Nature -Jerry E Smith

The Truth Denied – 9 guests & 2 hours on 2012 – Last Radio Show of 2011

Proven Ways to Avoid Influenza Safely and Inexpensively

Dangerous Smart Meters: will there be an opt out?

12/28/2011 — Storm reaches around HALF THE PLANET — North America to India

World War III Has Begun - It's the first Asymmetric War long awaited by Pentagon Think Tanks 

Iran test-fires state-of-the-art torpedoes - with video 

Iran capable of closing Hormuz Strait 

The Anatomy of the NATO-CIA Destabilization of Syria - video      

NWO Fourth Generation War Against Russia -   Dossier I  Dossier II 

Japan drops ban on military exports

Our Last Christmas in the Old America

Monday, December 26, 2011

Righteous Blood Part III

Read first: The history of the KHAZARS parts 1 and 2

Righteous Blood Part III
December 25, 2011


After more than two centuries of plundering the enormous precious metal wealth of the “West Indies” – (North and South America, the Inca and the Aztec treasuries), the “Red Shield” of the Dragon – the Khazarian/Bohemian/Marrano “Jesuit-Jew” Synagogue of Satan bloodline systematically parlayed their newly-minted tons of gold and silver into the European Central Banks which they had earlier established. Interest-bearing loans were freely given to the crowned heads of Europe – to England, France, Holland, Russia, Germany, and Austria. The Gold and Silver of the “New World” purchased unbridled POWER IN 18th CENTURY EUROPE in the form of military might. In turn, “military might” was synonymous with amassing weapons of war – cannon, muskets, swords, and most importantly, GUNPOWDER. Without “black powder” – cannons and muskets were useless! Most “interest-bearing loans” were used by the competing “Royal Houses” of Europe primarily to build armies and navies. Key to this “power” was “Powder” – the explosive Black Powder of China.

The explosive “black powder” first discovered in China eventually revolutionized warfare in Europe and the world. Gone were the “jousts” of medieval knights clad in suits of mail and armor on charging steeds. Gone also was the chivalry and courage based on strength of individual “knights” on the field of battle. Soldiers could now simply point a musket, and by the miracle of “black powder” – send a ball of lead (or shot) into the heart of a foe dozens of yards away with more accuracy than an arrow. It also was the great equalizer on the field of battle. A mere lad not yet in puberty could now point a gun, pull a “trigger” – and kill or maim a much more physically powerful adversary three times his size from a safe distance. Furthermore, any sailing vessel rigged with layers of cannon could destroy other vessels – that is, as long as they had enough BLACK POWDER stowed on board. With enough explosive powder, castle gates and walls could now be demolished in short order as well!

So, the question must be asked and answered at this point: Who manufactured and provided the GUNPOWDER, muskets, and cannon, where was the all-important gun “powder” manufactured, and what was the price?

First the reader must understand what gunpowder of that era was composed of. Typically, “black powder” is mostly made of a substance called “saltpeter” – aka potassium nitrate. The specific formula: 75% saltpeter (potassium nitrate), 12.5% Charcoal, and 12.5% Sulfur. The key element in making gunpowder is/was saltpeter. Without saltpeter, there could be no gunpowder. Without gunpowder, cannon and muskets were useless clubs. Without cannon and muskets, armies were reduced to bows, arrows, and swords once again.

Charcoal and sulfur were quite easy to procure on a large scale during this time period of history. Saltpeter, the key ingredient, was a much different matter, however. It had to basically be manufactured, and it had to be done on a large scale. It was also very labor-intensive. When one understands the formulation and manufacturing history of saltpeter from 1600-1890, it becomes clear that this was a very jealously guarded secret – much like the genie of nuclear fission in 1945 is today. It should come as no surprise that the bloodline Khazar-Marrano tribe (the biblical Synagogue of Satan once again) monopolized and jealously guarded the world-wide manufacturing and distribution of saltpeter, just as the same bloodline family named Oppenheimer controls the secrets of the Manhattan Project of nuclear fission and the mega-destructive power of the atomic bomb in modern days!

The earliest known record and “recipe” for saltpeter manufacturing is found in an ancient manuscript of one “occult alchemist” named Marcus Graecus entitled accurately enough: “Liber Ignum ad Comburendum Hostes” (Book of Fire for Burning Enemies). There are only six known copies of this book, all written in Latin. The oldest, located today in the library of the Vatican in Rome, is dated circa 1300; the most recent is dated 1481 and its origin is once again tied to the Morrano “Crypto-Jew” world-merchants of Spain. The manuscript contains two black powder recipes that served as the original model for the future Khazarian-controlled saltpeter factories in India and parts of China.

Here is a portion of the ancient recipe to manufacture saltpeter, written in Latin.

Nota quod sal petrosum est minera terrae et reperitur in scopulis contra lapidus. Haec terra dissolvatur in aqua bulliente, postea depurata et distla per filtrum et permittatur per diem et noctem integram decoqui, et invenies in fundo laminas salis conjelatas cristallinas.

English translation: “Note, saltpeter is a mineral of the earth and appears as brushes on stone. This earth is dissolved in boiling water and thereafter purified by a filter. Then boil down this solution by day and night till plates of crystals appear at the bottom.”

16th Century Woodcut Showing Saltpeter Distillation

Keep in mind that according to the research of Koestler, the Khazarian tribe consisted of the most skilled metallurgists and alchemists of the world, who were of course descendants from the Kenite seed of Cain (aka the Edomites.) It didn’t take them long to realize that potassium nitrate (saltpeter) could also be extracted from the fecal and liquid waste material of mammals – including human beings. In areas of the world such as India and China where large concentrations of human population created massive amounts of waste material, the ingenious Khazar alchemists established large-scale saltpeter factories during the 16th century. Thanks to these early “factories” – the Khazar merchants established a world-wide monopoly on salt-peter – and thus, they enjoyed a virtual monopoly on GUNPOWDER as well.

Saltpeter Manufacturing Plant: (16th century Woodcut Illustration)

Explanation – this was basically an early patent! A very jealously-guarded “secret”.

Long rows of beds with porous walls(C), filled with a mixture of vegetable wastes, blood and dung (human or animal) as nitrogen source plus lime or ash to promote nitrification.
Lime controls an optimum pH-value of 7.2 to 7.8. The porous walls of the beds allow an easy access of oxygen.

In building (B) the contents of the ripe salpeter-beds were leached and saltpeter crystallized. (A) A vat, collecting rainwater from the roof.

(From O. Guttmann:”Monumenta Pulveris Pyrii”, London 1906. A collection of Reproductions of Ancient Pictures Concerning the History of Gunpowder)

I would hope that the reader is now clear on the process of manufacturing gunpowder – the substance that would eventually fuel war and destruction on a massive world-wide scale. Saltpeter, manufactured from BLOOD, URINE and FECAL MATTER is blended with charcoal which was produced from FIRE on wood, and then combined with SULFUR (aka BRIMSTONE MINED FROM THE PITS OF DEEP SUBTERRANEAN CAVES!) Sounds like a true “Witches Brew” of death.

War is indeed literally hell, and gunpowder soon became the primal fuel and tool of the Khazarian merchants and profiteers of war, human death and destruction! Thus it should not come as any surprise to a Christian that gunpowder is actually made from the biblical components of hell itself – the Holy Bible records that “Hell” is literally Fire (charcoal) and Brimstone (sulfur) and Filth (human and animal excrement). Of course this destructive-demonic tool’s individual components would in fact originate in the very Synagogue of Satan, of whom Jesus Christ, the Prince of PEACE, Himself identified as literal children of their father, the Devil (See John 8:44) – i.e. the GREAT RED DRAGON of the book of Revelation. (Rev. 12:3)


One of the symbolic codes of the original merchants of ancient Babylon is the eight-pointed star of “the Sun-God”. It is symbolic also of the Kenite tribe’s “mark of Cain”. It is the antithesis of the single Christian cross – for it is the symbol of the original “double cross” – the traitor to God and Christ – i.e. the Serpent, the Red Dragon. It is the symbol of the Law – the Babylonian “Code of Hammurabi” and the double-crossed eight-pointed star can be seen on most modern courtrooms of the U.K and America today. This symbol also is the origin of the British “Union Jack” flag, and is also found on the emblem of the East India Company of the Khazarian Merchants of Death. In Schneider’s book, “A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe” we read: “An eight-point star enclosed within a circle was the symbol for the sun god. The “Babylonian star-cult is the core and the archetype of subsequent astrology.” When one understands the origins of the Khazar’s “Babylonian Talmud” and “Kaballah” astrology and scrying, the symbol begins to make perfect sense. This “symbol for the sun god” (i.e. Lucifer, the Son of the Morning) is also the “Wheel of the Year” in WICCA and Satanist covens.

Babylonian Sun-God Symbol Showing Sabbats

WICCA “Wheel of the Year” Showing Sabbats

East India Company Flag (With 13 Stripes) in the Kaballa “sacred” colors of Red, White, and Blue.

Wikipedia’s entry on the “British East India Company” tells us: The Company was originally named Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies, and was formed on 31 December 1600.” It later changed its name to the “British East India Company” – and was an appendage of its sister firm, the Khazarian-owned “Dutch East India Company” operating in the Khazarian (Jew) merchant stronghold of Holland. Even the most cursory examination of the Dutch and British “East India Companies” shows that this was the first example of a truly mega-corporate structure run amok. Funded by incredible amounts of “New World” gold and silver, these Khazarian businesses encompassed banking and world trade on a truly massive scale. They were actually granted the right to “colonize” sovereign countries such as Indonesia, China, South Africa, and India. Not only did these Khazar merchant ships establish and control saltpeter factories around the world, but history shows they trafficked in African human slaves, as well as OPIUM and TEA.

It’s critically important to clearly understand the evolution of these “East-India Companies”. First, from the massive wealth extracted via the plunder of the New World gold and silver, they in short order established a very exclusive monopoly on the production and distribution of saltpeter, and thus gunpowder. Then they established and built (monopolized) the foundries and factories that produced the guns, cannon, and shot. Then, they lent the crowned heads of Europe GOLD AND SILVER COINS (with heavy usurious interest rates) in order to purchase their gunpowder, and armaments. Do you get the picture yet? The gold and silver coin that was “loaned”, soon went right back into their Swiss and Dutch treasure vaults when it was “spent” – as it purchased their weaponry and trade goods. Eventually, the “interest” on these massive loans was collected in gold and silver – until it became painfully obvious to the crown heads that there was simply not enough gold and silver outside of the Khazar-owned vaults to make the interest payments.

Moreover, the Khazar merchants knew that only In the event of war (the more violent and contracted, the better) would their gunpowder be expended; meaning more and more powder and shot would need to be purchased via new loans and interest. It really didn’t matter which country won or lost the conflict – BOTH SIDES OF THE “WAR” NEEDED TO BUY GUNPOWDER AT INTEREST!!! Both sides executed “war bonds” – promises of the PEOPLE to pay the Khazar bankers at a later date. Both sides needed powder, shot, guns and cannon. It soon became the common practice to merely agree to execute a paper contract for indebtedness and purchases of war (even DEFENSE) – no need to physically move the gold and silver around! This is the Khazarian tried and true recipe to not only become fantastically wealthy, but also to literally control the world. Sadly, every revolution, every “civil” war, every “world” war since 1492 has simply served to increase this incredibly evil Khazar agenda: dominance through debt-financed death and destruction. Eventually, the “Synagogue of Satan” would literally control countries and continents – often hiding themselves (i.e. the ‘hidden hand’) behind the smoke screen of a “constitution” or a “Republic”. This is likely the realization that prompted the philosopher Goethe to declare “No man is more hopelessly enslaved, than he who falsely believes that he is free.”

Spare the chemtrails day #10

Ten days now has the SFBayArea declared a "spare the air" day whereby burning wood in your fireplace is illegal. Ten times also this has corresponded to ridiculously thick chemtrail spraying. Coincidence?  Does the Pope live in the woods?  Quod erat demonstrandum, baby.

It really makes my blood boil to see these TV "news" weatherpeople explain away the air pollution with anything from China to air patterns to wood burning; anything but acknowledging the legion of planes visible in the sky dumping their toxic chem-crap trails all over the sky, which develop into the cotton-candy wispy cloudlike masses before dropping to the ground to create the visibility-reducing grey dry metallic mist causing asthma attacks everywhere and causing people like me to continue expelling CLCs (chemtrail lung cookies).   The local TV media is obviously up to their eyeballs in complicity in the chemtrail cover-up.

Hack, cough, spit, repeat.

This just in from my friend Scott:
ok west coast is back: SF 36 CPM, Nor Cal 42, Seattle 36
not good

Interesting to hear all the cointelpro chatter from disinfo agents blaming the Jesuits as soon as the research concerning the Khazars started coming out... again coincidence?  Not.

Here's a comment from someone named "Mike":

I'm getting really deep into something called the "demon seed" theory which says that Cain was from Satan's seed when Eve was "seduced" by him (the forbidden fruit). Canaanites were descendants of Cain and Esau (Edomites) married many Canaanite wives and gave birth to a nation of Edomites who are half serpent, half human. Keep in mind that many evil people were Edomites - King Herod (who killed all newborn Jews in Bethlehem to try and kill the baby Jesus), the wife of Nero Ceazar (who convinced him to kill many Christians), Karl Marx, Lenin & Trotsky (founders of communism and killers of over 100 million Christians), Rothschilds, etc. The biblical references tend to reinforce that it may be true. At first I didn't think it was remotely possible but now it's starting to blow my mind. More interesting than any book I've read or movie I've seen.
(note the bottom of this page says "next" and leads to many more pages, all fascinating)

US: CDC update on H3N2 cases

BULLSHIT ALERT: After 10 years, US blames Iran for 9/11
EVERYONE who has researched this carefully KNOWS full well it was ISRAEL, not Iran.

Globalization, The Decade Ahead, And Asymmetric Returns

Morgellons Hexagonal Artifacts – Volume 2

Dr. Don Wagner local Talk Radio in Mohave County Exposes Chemtrails

New Year Prediction: Israel and US will attack Iran

Posturing or preparing for war? Iran begins naval drills in world's most strategic oil transit channel
Iran Defense Minister: Israeli strike on Iran would be a suicide mission
Pakistan turning away from Bald Eagle and towards Red Dragon - with video
Montanans launch RECALL of US Senators who approved NDAA military detentions
Overlooked Language in NDAA

Friday, December 23, 2011

Full Text of the PASSED NDAA Bill: HR 1540 Public Print

You've heard all the fear-mongering "rumors"... BUT...
What does Section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 actually say?

Read below the Public Print (Item #6) and you be the judge!

The Library of Congress > THOMAS Home > Bills, Resolutions > Search Results
Bill Text Versions
112th Congress (2011-2012)

THIS SEARCH THIS DOCUMENT GO TO Next Hit Forward New Bills Search Prev Hit Back HomePage Hit List Best Sections Help Contents Display

{title: 'THOMAS - Bill Text Versions- H.R.1540', link: '' } There are 6 versions of Bill Number H.R.1540 for the 112th Congress. Usually, the last item is the most recent.
1 . National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Introduced in House - IH)[H.R.1540.IH][PDF]
2 . National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Reported in House - RH)[H.R.1540.RH][PDF]
3 . National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Engrossed in House [Passed House] - EH)[H.R.1540.EH][PDF]
4 . National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Referred in Senate - RFS)[H.R.1540.RFS][PDF]
5 . National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Engrossed Amendment Senate - EAS)[H.R.1540.EAS][PDF]
6 . National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Public Print - PP)[H.R.1540.PP][PDF]

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Public Print - PP)[H.R.1540.PP]

Thursday, December 22, 2011

pH1N1: Avian Homology on High Diversity Sequences Distinguished Across Globe

Avian Homology on High Diversity Sequences Distinguished Across Globe

On 2011-12-20, the UK National Institute of Medical Research released a group of human pH1N1 sequences at GISAID including 46 full HA and 45 full NA segments. The sample dates cover 2010-12-15 to 2011-08-11 (44 during 2011). Fifteen originating labs provided the samples though no specification of clinical outcome is notated within the NIMR deposit.

The volume and span of the deposit demonstrates the ongoing significant rate of genetic acquisition onto 4 of the established clades, alongside several uncladed sequences. Four sequences carry clade-defining elements from multiple clades. Ambiguity in the traces is high with 44 mixed traces. This deposit brings the first pH1N1 sequence with a combined 40 polymorphisms (HA and NA) on the highly avian-influenced, SenegalDakar14_1x_2011_04_14 (HA 29 / NA 11) [EPI346724]. A certain population of geographically-dispersed sequences shows a combined HA and NA total of 25 or more revisions (10 sequences, 22% of the deposit).

Enhanced acquisition of avian genetic data and convergence of polymorphisms found on high-CFR and high-zoonotic pH1N1 strains are quantified. Variant clades appear to be gaining data from the same sources as the pH1N1 HA 230I strains and the Upsilon series of 84 sequences (5.33% CFR).

Five countries (Cameroon, France, England, Iceland and Hungary) produced a subset of 9 sequences bearing 12 polymorphisms within the aa156-aa159 range, a domain documented to produce Vaccine Escape. Hungary7_xM_2011_01_31 (HA 11 / NA 06) [EPI346709] on Clade2: 188T with RBS 226R (Vaccine Match) applies polymorphic behaviour at 3 consecutive Vaccine Escape locations in this domain (HA 157E mix wt, 158E mix wt and 159D mix wt).

One sequence is TamiFlu Resistant with NA 275Y. More importantly a strong gravity is indicated in the polymorphic pattern suggestive that more TmX due to NA 247N will be seen in the future on these types of strains. Considering the HA and NA distinct polymorphic supersets on these human pandemic sequences, 36 changes (10%) appear on earlier pandemic sequences with TmX due to NA 247N and 81 changes (23%) appear on the subset of H5N1 sequences that carry the NA 247N marker.

Evaluating the 226 distinct HA changes derived from these 46 human pandemic sequences against fractional HA subsets of several animal serotypes, a minimum of 72% share homology. Avian H1N1 leads the match count at 115 polymorphic positions while H6N1 continues to participate at a significant level (79 matches). Homology to Avian H9N2 (62), H13 (52) and the High-CFR H5N1 (50) demonstrates that this pandemic has ample opportunity for genetic input from the extant reservoirs to amplify clinical conditions.

Though the zoonotic serotype backgrounds profiled against these human polymorphisms are entirely variant, these many codon-level homologies crossing multiple zoonotic reservoirs into the human pandemic illuminates the GeneWurx premise that the origin of the human H1N1 pandemic be reconsidered as avian.

One TamiFlu Resistant sequence (NA 275Y) features on a Clade2: 188T background and carries HA RBS 227G with the HA 158E (mixture with wild type) that has repeatedly been observed to promote Vaccine Escape.

H5N1 controversy: Too late to contain the research?

Getting Worse: 40 Undeniable pieces of evidence that show America is in decline

The Tools of America's Future Police State

14,000 US Dead in 14 Weeks After Fukushima Meltdown

US military: Unconstitutional orders are unlawful, defend Americans, don't NDAA "disappear" them

H5N1: The view from Hong Kong

Scientists defend 'Armageddon virus' secrecy

Too late to contain killer flu science, say experts

Weird CHEMBOW Over FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI 2011! HAARP or Chemtrail Phenomenon?

Santa Cruz Board Questions PG&E – SmartMeter ShutOffs

Judge says no to inquest on weapons inspector Dr Kelly/ Mail

12/20/2011 — Pacific Ring of fire, Puerto Rico, and South Africa = Volcanoes, Fracking, Plate unrest

Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse

Chemtrails: More Desecration Of Halifax Skies

April 1950: Anti-Jewish Bombings in Iraq Are Attributed to Israelis

July 1954: Israel Commits Bombing Attacks in Egypt, Tries to Blame Muslim Brotherhood

1967-2001: Israel Provides Support to Militant Islamic Groups in the West Bank and Gaza

September 6-12, 1970 and After: 'Black September' Triggers Global Islamist Terrorism, Rise of PLO

1973-1978: With Israel's support, Ahmed Yassin Forms Islamist Organizations in the West Bank and Gaza

1973-1982: Israel and Jordan Support Muslim Brotherhood Terrorism Against Syria

Early 1981: Mossad Initiates Bombing Campaign in Europe against A. Q. Khan Network

February 1982: Article in Israeli Journal Says Israel Should Exploit Internal Tensions of Arab States

1984-1989: Israeli Intelligence Officer Supplies Arms to Iran; Some Profits Allegedly Used to Fund False Flag Attacks

1987: Hamas Forms with the Support of Israeli Intelligence

February 6, 2000: Apparent Mossad Attempt to Infiltrate Al-Qaeda Thwarted

September 10, 2001: Army School Peacekeeping Report Says Mossad Can Target US Forces with False Flag Attacks

October 10, 2001: Two Israelis Are Detained in Mexican Legislature Building after Behaving Suspiciously and Found To Be Carrying Arms

February 5, 2003: Recently Retired Head of Mossad Says His Agency Has Had Many Secret Big Successes

March 2005: Israel Honors People Involved in Lavon Affair

Early June 2005: US Intelligence Find Evidence of Mossad or CIA Support For Insurgents in Iraq

November 9, 2005: Three Simultaneous Suicide Bombings in Jordan; Israeli Tourists Evacuated in Advance

    Wednesday, December 21, 2011

    Again: The history of the KHAZARS parts 1 and 2, more to follow, from A. True Ott PhD

    This has got to be one of the most groundbreaking earth-shattering stories ever reported on the planet in our known history.  I am so proud to know the author of this research, and be able to help him spread this message of pure TRUTH.  Facts are facts folks, and this gifted researcher is doing nothing more than reporting the facts as they are recorded.  Please do not shoot the messenger(s).  I didn't make this up, I didn't ask for it nor help influence its creation.  It just showed up on my doorstep, and after careful checking I can personally say this is all factually correct, and I agree with the opinions expressed by the highly accomplished and reputable Dr. A. True Ott, who in my keen judgment is making rational deductions based on hard evidence and historical record and expressing his well-educated opinions as such.  Boy, do we have a long way to go as a society to get over this one.  God help us.

    Righteous Blood – Part I
    December 18, 2011

    The Righteous Blood
    (ESF + UNOITC = OMG!)
    (The Gospel of St. Matthew, 23: 34-39)
    By A. True Ott, PhD – December 17, 2011

    This will be a very controversial expose. Many will undoubtedly be shocked and even angered by its content. Nevertheless, it is completely true and accurate. I invite you to read with an open mind, and follow the historical facts outlined herein.

    Americans have been grandly deceived and brainwashed over the decades. The vast majority of so-called “Christians” (the majority of American citizens) have ignorantly accepted a huge deception (i.e. a “strong delusion”) that goes something along this line: The modern nation-state of Israel was established as a “homeland” for the biblical “Jews” – the historical “Nation of Israel” – (God’s “Covenant People”) – who gave the world Jesus Christ (a “Jew” as well) and His saving “Gospel”. Furthermore, the delusion continues that all of this fulfills Bible prophecy – that this modern “Nation of Israel” will eventually witness the triumphant return of the resurrected Jesus to earth following a period of massive “tribulation” and bloodshed (Armaggedon and “Abomination of Desolation”). Most deluded “Christians” therefore have been brainwashed by blatantly corrupt “pastors and teachers”, who have successfully convinced most gullible sheep that the Nation of Israel is “divine”. Therefore, even though this nation is the home of international organized crime figures, and even it exports death and terrorism worldwide, and is thoroughly evil and corrupt, it should be nevertheless be embraced or at least tolerated by professed “Christians” because Jesus the divine “Jew” will come and set things right! This is completely wrong and incorrect in so many ways!

    Whether one is a “believer” in Christ or not, the truth is that the “Holy Bible” is an accurate historical text at the very least. Jesus of Nazareth was indeed a historical figure. He did indeed walk the streets of ancient Judea, and did indeed perform many incredible miracles and taught the people incredible new doctrines. Let’s take a condensed look at important Biblical history.

    The first big lie is that Jesus of Nazareth was a “Jew”. He was a Nazarene, a sect of the ancient nation called Judea. Judea was a diverse nation during the time of Jesus, and like modern-day America encompassed numerous nationalities and traditions. Nazarenes were also Judeans – much like Negroes or Caucasians who are citizens of the USA today are also called “Americans”. Over the centuries, the translators of the various texts shortened the word “Judean” into the relatively modern “slang” term “Jew”. In the context of biblical history, the term Jew is synonymous with a Judean citizen. However, according to many honest researchers, historians and authors, the modern context of the term “Jew” is synonymous with a specific eastern European tribe called “Khazars”. As a matter of fact, 92% of the modern-day “Jews” are in reality descendants of the Khazar kingdom and as such have absolutely no genetic relation to the biblical “Nation of Israel.” A careful and honest study of the Holy Bible will prove this to be absolutely factual.

    In every single instance where the modern word “Jew” is found in the King James translations of the Holy Bible, we find it translated from the original Greek word “IOUDAIOS” (pronounced You-DAY-Os) which simply means “of the country of Judea”. When Christ was crucified, the sign placed on the cross identified Him as “King of IOUDAIOS – in other words, King of Judea – not King of the Khazar “jews”. Furthermore, numerous physical descriptions of Jesus of Nazareth describe him as having “auburn” colored hair, with blue-grey eyes. Keep that physical description in mind as we progress through this study.

    The “delusion” mentioned above appears to hinge on well-meaning pastors and teachers misunderstanding the words of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah who declared: “For out of Zion will go forth THE LAW, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:3) This is the basis for so-called “Zionism” amongst the “Christian” community. They equate “Zion” with the re-birth of the modern nation of “Israel” and the modern city of “Jerusalem” with the “Word of the Lord” Jesus of Nazareth. Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. As a result, the imposter Khazars have literally gotten away with mass murder and mayhem.

    A careful reading of both Old Testament as well as New Testament scriptures reveals a most important truth, which is that certain cities can either be a physical, historical city, or it could be a spiritual concept that is encoded, or both. For instance, the term Babylon clearly was a physical city-state, as well as a coded term for spiritual decadence in future tense. So it is with Jerusalem. It is both a physical city, as well as a coming spiritual kingdom. This is where many Christians have become confused over the years.

    The writings of Zechariah concerning Jerusalem in the “Latter Days” should be clear, but sadly they have been misinterpreted by ministers having “itching ears”. It is clear that the “Jerusalem” foreseen by Zechariah is NOT the historical city of Jerusalem in Palestine. The physical city of Jerusalem, both ancient and modern, is clearly measured and delineated by physical borders. Note that Zechariah 2:1-4 tells us that the spiritual “Jerusalem” is comparatively vast – so vast in fact that it takes an angel to effectively measure its boundaries. Furthermore, it clearly states: “Jerusalem shall be inhabited AS TOWNS (plural) WITHOUT WALLS for the MULTITUDE of men and cattle therein.” It should be clear that the future “Zion” Jerusalem would be a MIGHTY NATION with hundreds of millions of inhabitants. Zechariah 8:7 tells us “Behold, I will save My people from the east country, and from the west country; and I will bring them, and they shall dwell IN THE MIDST OF JERUSALEM: and they shall be MY PEOPLE, and I will be THEIR GOD, IN TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS.” In other words, this spiritual “New Jerusalem” will be a choice nation where the people of God can assemble from both the east and the west. It will be a nation of freedom and liberty – and espouse “Justice for All.” I submit that AMERICA is the New Jerusalem – the shining CHRISTIAN NATION on a hill – the “MOUNTAIN” (nation) of the Lord Jesus Christ – the ancient Judean. Armed with this TRUTH – one can better understand the prophecies of Zechariah concerning this Jerusalem – which is the NATION OF AMERICA – the United States. These prophecies have NOTHING to do with the ancient city of Jerusalem and the Khazarian-controlled “nation” of Israel – which were and are condemned in the biblical texts to be a literal “Curse” on the entire world.

    Jeremiah 26:1-3 tells us: “Thus saith the Lord: If ye will not hearken to the words of My servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you ———THEN I WILL MAKE THIS HOUSE LIKE SHILOH, AND WILL MAKE THIS CITY A CURSE TO ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH.” What is meant “like Shiloh”? In a very brief nutshell, Shiloh was the original sacred edifice of the Ark of the Covenant – which eventually was completely destroyed and scattered – AND NEVER TO BE HONORED BY THE GOD OF ISRAEL AGAIN! So, has the old city of Jerusalem truly become “LIKE SHILOH” and become a literal “curse to all the nations of the earth”? I submit the answer to this can be found in how the spiritual leadership of Jerusalem (the Scribes and Pharisees) treated Jesus of Nazareth. Did they honor Him and His Gospel, or did they reject Him?

    The Gospel of St. Matthew, chapter 23, should answer this question in no uncertain terms. Here, Jesus pulls no punches, and declares pure Truth as He declares the condition of the “Pharisees” and their Kenite “scribes”. He declares that the “Blood of the Prophets” will be on their hands – and that they “SHALL NOT ESCAPE THE DAMNATON OF HELL.” Then, in conclusion, He gazes over the City named Jerusalem and laments how He could have protected them “as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings” – but they chose wrongfully. He then pronounces His FINAL BENEDICTION on this city named Jerusalem: “BEHOLD, YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT UNTO YOU DESOLATE.” What does this mean? Simply that Jerusalem was and is cursed above all earthly cities! A “desolate” house means there is no life there, but is inhabited instead by rodents and insects such as cockroaches. This, you see, fulfilled the word of Jeremiah completely. Shortly after pronouncing this sorrowful edict, Jesus Christ was scourged and crucified. Titus and his Roman Legions destroyed the “temple” – and the ancient city was left desolate and has indeed today become a “curse to all the nations of the earth.” This paper will explain exactly HOW it has occurred.


    Who, exactly are the biblical “people of Israel” who Christ admonished His apostles to gather? Is “Israel” the so-called modern- day “Jews” who claim to be “God’s Chosen People”? Consider this: According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics there were 13,421,000 Jews worldwide in 2009 – a number declining by at least 50,000 each year! Most biblical scholars and historians have confirmed that Solomon was estimated to have had MORE THAN FIFTEEN MILLION “Israelites” in his kingdom over 2,500 years ago. Moreover, we read in Genesis 28:3 this sacred PROMISE bestowed on the nation of Israel: “And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and MULTIPLY THEE, THAT THOU MAYEST BE A MULTITUDE OF PEOPLE.” Was God wrong? Why has “Israel” not “multiplied” – but instead has DECREASED from the population under Solomon? Could it be that “Israel” is not the so-called “modern Jews” at all? Indeed this is the TRUTH.

    After Christ was baptized as recorded in Matthew 10:6, He immediately instructed His disciples to go “to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. The English world “lost” here is translated from the Greek word apollumi which means: apo (“put away”) and ollumi: (“punished”). It signifies a voluntary losing, which is of course correct, since God deliberately put Israel away into the Assyryian captivity (2 Kings 18 and Hosea). The Greek Apollumi is used 13 times in the New Testament, and each and every time it is used as a descriptive adjective of the TRUE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. You see, Christ was sent as a Savior, first to the HOUSE OF ISRAEL – and His disciples preached His Gospel first to Judea, then in Samaria, and then north to present day Europe and Scandinavia.

    British, Roman, and other European historical records show the many of the disciples who had literally known Jesus “in the flesh” went directly to the British Isles after Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. The apostle Paul preached in Spain, France, and England. Joseph of Arimathea actually established a church in England within 5 short years of Jesus’ crucifixion. The historical record shows that Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, Maximin, Trophimus, Lazarus (who was raised from the dead), Simon Zelotes, Clements, Martial, Sidonius, Zacchaeus, and Mary, wife of Cleophas ALL EMIGRATED TO ENGLAND during this time period. WHY HAS THIS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT INFORMATION BEEN LARGELY EXPUNGED FROM OUR SCHOOL, CHURCH AND SEMINARY TEXTBOOKS??? The answer to this is very simple – it has been done to keep Christians from realizing exactly WHO “Israel” is – the Anglo-Saxon race!!

    Most “Christians” today have no clue that Timothy, who had been ordained by Paul, eventually baptized his own nephew named Lucius on May 28, 137 A.D. Lucius became the King of Britain, and eventually declared all of England Christian 9 years later in 156 A.D. at a ceremony at the “National Council at Winchester!”

    The fact is that the Christian Gospel flourished not only in the British Isles, but also in modern-day Germany, Denmark, Sweden and France from 100 A.D. through 700 A.D. The “lost sheep” of Israel indeed heard their shepherd’s voice. Meanwhile, the rabbis of Jerusalem (the Pharisaical false teachers – the literal genetic seed of their father, the devil – John 8:42-48) were dwindling in number and relevance until a saving event occurred in the year 740 A.D.

    During the 8th Century A.D. – the Christian Kings of western Europe were engaging the Vatican’s new vassals, the MOHOMEDAN MUSLIMS over control of the “Holy Land” in a protracted holy war that is today called “The Crusades”. The Christian armies would have to pass through an Eastern European kingdom named Khazaria in order to reach the Holy Land. In order to appear neutral, in 740 A.D. Khazar King Bulan decided to neither embrace Islam nor Christianity, instead ordering his entire nation to embrace Talmudism – and to that end brought hundreds of Pharisiee rabbis to establish synagogues and “temples” throughout his empire. This was not a matter of spirituality whatsoever, but instead was a shrewd political move. Historical texts show that the Khazars were a bloodthirsty, idolatrous, pagan people with genetic ties to the “Kenite” lines of the biblical Cain who slew his brother Abel – so embracing the Babylonian Talmud appeared to be a good fit. The heart of the Khazarian kingdom was in modern-day Romania and Transylvania, yet its borders extended westward into modern-day Poland, and eastward into Lithuania and modern day Russia. Their language was Yiddish, and after “converting” to Talmudism – they incorporated Hebrew into their Yiddish alphabet.

    Over the centuries, the wealth and influence of “Talmudism” in Khazaria continued to grow, as the physically powerful Khazarians, the descendents of Attila the Hun, became skilled at providing mercenary soldiers to various kingdoms throughout the region. Skilled and vicious warriors, their elite ranks swelling to over 40,000, these mercenaries often spelled the difference between victory and defeat in various wars. Always, the warlords were compensated in precious metals – most commonly – gold. Thus began the seeds of what is described by the resurrected Christ to John in Revelation: “—Them which say they are “Jews” (Judeans) – but are NOT, but are the Synagogue of Satan.

    One such wealthy warlord who gained notoriety in 15th century Europe was a descendant from the original Khazar royalty by the name of Vlad “The Impaler” Tsepes – also known as Vlad “Dracul” – (literally the “son of the Dragon” – or the “son of the Devil”). This individual was the original “terrorist” – impaling thousands of his victims on large 20-foot poles and leaving their rotting corpses to fester around his residence and much of his “kingdom of Wallachia”. History reports that both Turkish armies as well as Christian crusaders retreated in horror at the sight of such a devilish spectacle –and Vlad Dracul became reviled especially in Austria and Germany. Even though his genealogy showed he practiced Talmudic teachings, he would publicly declare however, that he was “protecting Christianity” by his actions. True Christians in Austria and Germany were not fooled, however , and numerous paintings were produced depicting Vlad Dracul as an avid persecutor of Christ – an anti-Christ figure. What is valuable to Christians is that numerous portraits of Vlad Tsepes “The Impaler” survived, and thus we can get an idea of the genetic makeup of the “Khazar” bloodline of Cane at least as far as the general facial features are concerned. Here are some examples:

    1463 painting depicting Vlad (seated) as Pilate

    Vlad the Impaler (left) as Aegeas, the Roman proconsul in Patras, crucifying Saint Andrew. Approximately 1470–1480, Belvedere Galleries, Vienna

    1463 Portrait of Vlad the Impaler, Khazar

    Dov Zackheim, and gangster Meyer Lansky – who was given asylum in Israel. Modern Day Khazar Warlords. (Notice the resemblance to Vlad?)

    The Khazars are the modern-day “Jews” – again they are in reality the “Synagogue of Satan” and as the remainder of this expose will show, have been the authors of every single WAR OF PROFIT since (and including) the American War of Independence. Once again, since 92% of today’s “Jews” are in reality descendents of the Khazars, I submit that Christians should refer to them exclusively by their correct name – and not confuse the issue by falsely calling them “Jews”.

    Following centuries of very profitable mercenary soldiering, the royal “warlords” of Khazaria expanded their holdings and political influence exponentially by become large-scale “money-lenders” – to all the kings and crowned heads of Europe; lending their ill-gotten gold and silver assets at high rates of “usury” in order to fund wars and campaigns of conquest worldwide. One such predatory Khazarian money-lender was a man born Feb. 23, 1744 named Mayer Amschel Bauer. Bauer eventually changed his surname to reflect the red hexagram logo of his money-lending business – the Red (Roth) Shield (schild) – thus the family name of “Rothschild” was born. Eventually, this “red shield” hexagram would change to the color blue, and come to be the national symbol of the predatory Khazarian bankster’s world-base known as “Israel”. (The hexagram has absolutely no historical ties to Palestine or Judea, just as the Khazars were never Judeans.)

    Khazarian Profiteering in the American Revolution In Part II

    Righteous Blood Part II
    December 19, 2011

    Khazarian Profiteering in America Greatly Increases Khazar Weath

    In 1976 Random House published a book titled THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE that should have become a blockbuster with Christians, but for some reason it was largely ignored. The book dealt with the racial origin of the people in both Communist and Christian countries who call themselves “Jews,” and which the Churches (and the Jews themselves) FRAUDULENTLY insist are “God’s Chosen People,” i.e. the Israelite descendants of Abraham. Earlier in this expose, we reviewed the biblical evidence that “Israel” is actually the Anglo-Saxon race, NOT the Khazar race of Gog and Magog.

    Since the late 1800′s a small number of Bible Scholars, who were also students of History and Racial origins (anthropology), have strongly insisted that common Christian “dogma” and belief was dead wrong; that instead of being Israelites, these “Jews” (Khazars) from Eastern Europe and Western Asia were descended from Mongolians and other Asiatic peoples who had adopted Judaism as their “religion” over 1,000 years ago and had over the centuries become known as “Jews.” These Bible scholars were also largely ignored or condemned, and often called “cultists” or “anti-Semites” by the media.

    So, in 1976, after many years of research, a well-respected Jewish author, Arthur Koestler published a 255 page book titled THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE in which he proves the same point; i.e. that these Eastern European “Jews” are neither Israelites nor “Semites,” but are instead Khazars, Mongols, and Huns! Most major newspapers and magazines reviewed the book during 1976. Also, Random House, the publisher, advertised it extensively and began some of their ads with the following headline: WHAT IF MOST JEWS AREN’T REALLY SEMITES AT ALL? From Mr. Koestler’s book, find the following information:
    On page 46, Koestler quotes a 1,000 year old Arabian manuscript declaring “The Khazars and their King are all Jews…and that Gog and Magog mentioned in the biblical book of Revelation are the Khazars.”
    Pages 47- 50: Khazars became monopolistic world merchants during the 13-18th centuries; re-exporters of foreign goods, middlemen, inspectors of trade, goldsmiths, and silversmiths; and they exacted 10% tax (a “tithe”) on all trade.
    Pages 152-154: Jews became international mint-masters striking gold and silver coins, royal treasurers, tax collectors, and then the primary money lenders of Europe. Their principal source of income was foreign trade and the levying of customs dues. They practiced communal life (i.e. communism).

    Thanks to the incredible research of Koestler, it is easy for the honest scholar to now follow the origins of the Khazarian (Gog and Magog) international BANKER families from the year 1400 A.D. to the present day. It shows the Khazar links to Spain and Portugal, and the “Marranos” of Spain and the “Guerients” (the “Marquis”) of France. These “world merchants” established trade with India and China – and according to Henry Ford’s research in 1920, as published in his seminal book “The International Jew”, it was these Khazar-Jews who financed the voyage of one Christopher Columbus with the goal of finding a more direct route to the continent of India. (Columbus indeed initially thought that North America was “India” – and wrongfully named the American native tribes “Indians”.)

    Henry Ford writes: “The Story of Jews in America begins with Christopher Columbus. On August 2, 1492, more than 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain and on August 3, the next day, Columbus set sail for the west, taking a group of Jews with him.”

    “They were not, however, refugees, for the prophetic navigator’s plans had aroused the sympathy of influential Jews for a long period previously. Columbus himself tells us that he “consorted much with Jews”. The first letter he wrote detailing his discoveries was to a Jew. Indeed, the eventful voyage itself which added to men’s knowledge and wealth – “the other half of the earth” was made possible by Jews. The pleasant story that it was Queen Isabella’s jewels which financed the voyage has disappeared under research.

    “There were three Marranos or “Secret Jews” who wielded great influence at the Spanish court: Luis de Santagel who was an important merchant of Valencia and who was “farmer” of the ROYAL TAXES; his relative, Gabriel Sanchez, who was the royal treasurer; and their friend, the royal chamberlain, Juan Cabrero.

    Following Columbus to the “New World” in the 16th and 17th centuries came the Spanish “Conquerors” – the ruthless Conquistadors such as Pizarro and Cortez, who like Columbus, were financed and directed by the crypto-Jew “Marranos” and their so-called “Jesuits”. Were these early “Jesuits” Roman Catholic “Christians”, or were they in reality “Crypto-Jews” – Khazar-Anti-Christian-Jews masquerading as “Christians? According to numerous scholars, here is the factual history of the “Jesuits”:

    Researcher John Torell follows up on the research by Henry Ford as he writes: “The first known Illuminati order (Alumbrado) was founded in 1492 by Spanish Jews, called “Marranos,” who were also known as “crypto-Jews.” With violent persecution in Spain and Portugal beginning in 1391, hundreds of thousands of Jews had been forced to convert to the faith of the Roman Catholic Church. Publicly they were now “Roman Catholics”, but secretly they practiced Judaism (they were Khazars according to Koestler et. al.), which of course included following the Talmud and the Cabala. The powerful and extremely wealthy Marranos were able to teach their children secretly about “Judaism” particular the Talmud and the Luciferian black-magic Cabala, and this huge group of Crypto-Jews has survived to this very day. After 1540 many Marranos opted to flee to England, Holland, France, the Ottoman empire (Turkey), Brazil and other places in South and Central America. The Marranos kept strong family ties and they became very wealthy and influential in the nations where they lived. But as is the custom with all Khazar people, it did not matter in what nation they lived, their loyalty was to themselves and Judaism.”

    “In 1491 San Ignacio De Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati Order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto-Jewish activities, he became very active as a “practicing” Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi-cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris, France where he studied for the priesthood. In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the “Jesuit Order,” which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church. In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved the order. At Loyola’s death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit order, located in a number of nations and they directed the plundering of the Incas and Aztecs in South and Central America.”

    “Setting up the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola devised an elaborate spy system, so that no one in the order was safe. If there was any opposition, death would come swiftly. The Jesuit order not only became a most destructive arm of the Roman Catholic Church; it also developed into a secret intelligence service. While the Popes relied more and more on the Jesuits, they were unaware that the hardcore leadership were Jewish, and that these Jews held membership in the Illuminati Order which in reality despised and hated the Roman Catholic Church.”

    In 1623, as a result of the massive wealth from the Americas, the Marranos formed an order in France called “Guerients,” which in 1722 evolved into an Illuminati Order named “The Grand Orient” lodges of Masonry. The crypto-Jew/Khazar “Guerients” received “titles of nobility” in both France and England, and were often called “Marquis” – as they supplied gold and silver coin to the French monarchs with “usury interest” attached of course. Where did much of the gold and silver originate during this era? It came from the fantastically wealthy mines and treasures of the “New World” of America! The Khazarian (Jews) merchants had literally hit a veritable jackpot in America that would forever change the world’s balance of power, and endangered true Christians the world over as never before.

    Subsequent Marrano-controlled expeditions to the “West Indies”, spanning 250 years from 1520-1770 A.D., resulted in incredibly massive amounts of gold and silver riches coming under their control. Literally thousands of tons of pure gold and silver were not only systematically plundered from the treasuries of the Aztecs and Incan nations, but also from ancient native mines from whence the massive wealth originated. From Utah in the North, to Peru in the South, the Marrano Khazarian “Jesuits” eventually enslaved hundreds of thousands of “Indians” in massive “concentration camps” to extract the precious metals in mines and pour it into ingots at numerous refineries. Coins were minted and shipped to Europe via the famed “Plate Fleets of the Spanish Main” over the centuries.

    Occasionally, some of the Khazarian treasure-bearing ships were lost in hurricanes and other mishaps; many of these treasure ships have been found and reclaimed in modern times. The wealth these “plate fleets” brought to their Khazar masters was phenomenal. The Khazarian financial empire was solidified as never before. The Khazar “Talmud of Babylon” became enshrined in secret-society “Lodges of the Grand Orient” controlled by the Khazarian B’Nai B’rith throughout Europe. Due in no small measure to the immense wealth of the “New World” treasures, the Marrano-Khazarian “crest” of the Dragon (the House of Hapsburg of the Bohemian Grove of Transylvania) soon controlled Holland, Austria, Spain, France and through the machinations of Oliver Cromwell, the British Isles as well. England was no longer a Christian nation – but instead, was now in the hands of the Red Dragon – the House of Hapsburg. The Khazars established the “British East Indies” company, and the African slave trade became established in not only the Khazar-controlled islands of the Caribbean, but in the North American colonies as well.

    This map shows the “trade routes” utilized by the Khazarian “Spanish West Indies” fleets (white) but also the “British East Indies” ships in blue. The Khazarians controlled both companies.

    The Khazarian/Bohemian/Transylvanian House of Hapsburg Crest

    Will The Newly Created 'Killer Bird Flu' Someday Be Used As A Bio-Terror Weapon To Reduce The Population? Gee, do ya THINK?

    Most people have no idea how close we are to a biological doomsday. All over the world, incredibly dangerous "superbugs" are being created by virologists and military researchers. This reckless tinkering with nature will eventually cost millions of lives because it is inevitable that some of these "superbugs" will eventually get released either on purpose or by accident. When the time comes, we will have absolutely no protection against them. But a lot of these scientists don't seem to care about the risks. In fact, a team led by Ron Fouchier at Rotterdam's Erasmus Medical Centre has created a "killer bird flu" that could kill hundreds of millions of people and they want to publish how they did it. They don't seem to realize that this scientifically created "killer bird flu" could be easily replicated by those that would like to use it as a bio-terror weapon. In particular, a "super flu" would make a great weapon for those that would like to dramatically reduce the population of the world without getting "blood on their hands". Unfortunately, there are way too many people out there today (including many among the global elite) that actually believe that we need to get rid of most of humanity in order to save the earth.

    A few years ago, a lot of people were really freaked out about the H5N1 bird flu, but it turns out that it is really, really hard to transmit H5N1 bird flu from human to human.

    But if there was a way to make H5N1 spread much more easily among humans it could potentially be absolutely devastating. So far, approximately 60 percent of all humans that have been infected with H5N1 have died.

    Well, that is exactly what this team of European researchers has done.

    The following comes from an article in the Independent....

    For the first time the researchers have been able to mutate the H5N1 strain of avian influenza so that it can be transmitted easily through the air in coughs and sneezes. Until now, it was thought that H5N1 bird flu could only be transmitted between humans via very close physical contact.

    It would be hard to overstate how dangerous this virus would be if it got out.

    In fact, one senior scientific adviser to the U.S. Government told the Independent that the "worst-case scenario here is worse than anything you can imagine".

    Even the leader of the team that created this virus, virologist Ron Fouchier, has admitted that this "killer bird flu" is "probably one of the most dangerous viruses you can make".

    So why in the world did they do it?

    Why make a virus that could kill hundreds of millions of people?

    This is such a reckless thing to do that it is hard to find the words to describe it.

    Ah, but European authorities say that there is no reason to fear.

    EU Health Commissioner John Dalli recently told journalists the following....

    "The Dutch authorities confirmed that the virus itself is stored in a very secured way and that the necessary permits were given and that the researchers are bound by a code of conduct"

    But it has also been reported that there are no armed guards guarding the virus.

    That almost sounds like a set up for a really bad science fiction movie. You would think that with a "super virus" that could kill hundreds of millions of people they would be taking security a little more seriously.

    Unfortunately, it is not just this European team that has been playing around with the H5N1 bird flu.

    It has previously been reported that scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control have been conducting experiments in which they infect ferrets with both the H1N1 swine flu virus and the H5N1 bird flu virus to see if they will come together and create a mutant super virus.

    Once again, that sounds like something out of a really bad science fiction movie, but scientists around the globe are really monkeying around with these things.

    Sadly, the end result of all this may be one of the greatest tragedies in human history.

    Yi Guan is a top virologist at Hong Kong University, and he once helped isolate the SARS virus. In a stunning interview with Science Insider, he detailed what it could mean for the world if H1N1 and H5N1 were to recombine into a mutant super virus....

    Q: It depends on further mutations?

    Y.G.: It depends on mutations and whether the virus further reassorts with other viruses—like H5N1. That could be a super nightmare for the whole world.

    Q: You’re talking about the Armageddon virus?

    Y.G.: The chance is very, very low that these two viruses will mix together, but we cannot rule out the possibility. Now, H5N1 is in more than 60 countries. It’s a panzootic, present everywhere except North America.

    Q: If the nightmare comes true?

    Y.G.: If that happens, I will retire immediately and lock myself in the P3 lab. H5N1 kills half the people it infects. Even if you inject yourself with a vaccine, it may be too late. Maybe in just a couple hours it takes your life.

    But instead of heeding warnings such as this, scientists all over North America, Europe and Asia insist on playing God.

    Let us just hope and pray that none of their "creations" gets unleashed upon the world any time soon.

    Of course flu hype can also be used to frighten all of us into taking vaccines as well.

    Unfortunately, most people simply do not realize that vaccines are also incredibly dangerous.

    Today, bizarre new vaccine production methods are being developed all over the globe. Some vaccines are now actually grown using dog cells, and others are grown using genetically engineered E.coli bacteria.

    That doesn't sound good.

    Plus, vaccines these days contain so many icky ingredients that it is amazing that anyone is still willing to take them.

    The following list of ingredients in a typical flu vaccine comes from an article entitled "The Truth About The Flu Shot" by respected vaccine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny....

    Egg proteins: including avian contaminant viruses

    Gelatin: can cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin

    Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. Also associated with infertility in female mice.

    Formaldehyde: known carcinogen

    Triton X100: a strong detergent

    Sucrose: table sugar

    Resin: known to cause allergic reactions

    Gentamycin: an antibiotic

    Thimerosal: mercury is still in multidose flu shot vials

    When we allow these ingredients to be injected into us, bad things happen.

    For example, the CDC says that there was a 59 percent increase in autism among U.S. children in just a four year period earlier this decade.

    In addition, huge numbers of women that have taken vaccines while pregnant have experienced miscarriages.

    If you doubt this, just check out this article and the following comments: "Is The H1N1 Vaccine Safe? Shocking Stories From Pregnant Women Who Have Had Miscarriages After Taking The Swine Flu Vaccine".

    Perhaps you have never heard that vaccines are bad for you. Well, for much more on this topic I encourage you to check out this video..

    In any event, if a "killer bird flu" gets released someday there is not going to be any vaccine on the market for it.

    And what is even more frightening is the fact that there are a whole lot of people out there that would actually applaud if a "super virus" comes along and kills most of us.

    In a previous article, I detailed the crazed obsession that the global elite have with reducing the population of the world by 90 percent or more.

    The following are real quotes from members of the global elite about their desire for population reduction....

    CNN Founder Ted Turner....

    "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."

    Earth First co-founder Dave Foreman....

    "My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world."

    World famous explorer Jacques Cousteau....

    "In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day."

    The husband of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip....

    "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels."

    The first Executive Director of the Sierra Club, David Brower....

    "Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license ... All potential parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing."

    U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg....

    "Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of."

    The "new 10 commandments" on the infamous Georgia Guidestones....

    "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

    New World Order architect David Rockefeller....

    "The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident."

    Professor of Biology at the University of Texas at Austin Eric R. Pianka....

    "I do not bear any ill will toward people. However, I am convinced that the world, including all humanity, WOULD clearly be much better off without so many of us."

    Mikhail Gorbachev....

    "We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage."

    The philosophy that the world is way too overpopulated and that if something is not done about it the earth will be destroyed is being taught at colleges and universities all over the world.

    All it would take for a major pandemic to start is for one crazed lunatic that actually believes this stuff to release a deadly "super flu" in a highly populated area.

    That is what makes the overpopulation lie so dangerous. There are people out there that are willing to do just about anything to "protect" the earth. When you have millions of people that actually believe that humans are destroying the planet, it is inevitable that there will be some zealots out there that will actually try to do something about it.

    We live in very dangerous times.

    At some point, one or more of these "super bugs" is going to get out.

    When it does, a lot of people are going to die.

    Let us be thankful that it has not happened yet, and let us continue to prepare for the day when it does happen.

    Tuesday, December 20, 2011

    Fulford: Kim Jong Il was murdered

    North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il was murdered Saturday as part of a major power struggle in East Asia, according to Asian secret society sources and Japanese military intelligence. The murder of Kim was followed by a series of arrests of senior police officials in Japan linked to North Korea as well as the ouster of six CIA agents, the Japanese sources say. The death has left Yasuhiro Nakasone, the top North Korean and Rothschild agent in Japan, without a power base, Japanese underworld sources say. In North Korea, meanwhile, there is now a succession battle taking place between the Rothschild faction, who want to place their trained stooge Kim Jong Un in power and set up a Rothschild central bank versus a military clique that wants independence from Rothschild control, Rothschild and Japanese underworld sources say. The action is Asia is linked to a worldwide takedown of the satanic cabal that has been trying to create a global dictatorship.

    According to a Rothschild source who was recently in Korea, the Rothschild’s like the Swiss educated Kim Jong Un, because he would allow North and South Korea to be unified and would permit the opening up of the North Korean economy to Rothschild interests. Several senior Asian, US and Rothschild sources have, on many occasions, said they expect about 1 million Khazarian Satanist refugees from the United States to settle in North Korea once the financial crisis reaches its final stage. These same sources also say the Korean peninsula would then experience boom times as a result of the influx.

    In any case, the battle in Asia is expected to heat up behind the scenes over the coming weeks as Khazarian slave politicians are purged from power in Japan. The Rothschild faction headed by David Rothschild in Geneva is making a push in Japan using the sadistic murderer former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, President of the Rothschild controlled World Court Hisashi Owada (father of princess Masako), former Finance Minister top bureaucrat Toyo Gyohten, Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda and current top MOF bureaucrat Eijiro Katsu. They will find the usual thugs they relied on as enforcers no longer work for them but are now affiliated with the White Dragon Society or with Asian secret societies like the Black Dragon or the Red and Blue.

    A White Dragon Society representative called the Rothschild office in Tokyo (81-3-5408-8045) and talked to Rothschild representative Kenji Miyamoto who refused to pass along any message to his Rothschild controllers. Here is the message: “surrender before it is too late.”

    In fact, the signs of the collapse of Khazarian control are continuing to be seen in Europe and the US. In the US, Khazarian Nazi faction boss Henry Kissinger has contacted a White Dragon Society representative and asked for “negotations,” because of the collapse of the banking system. Kissinger is a major war criminal and mass murderer who needs to realize he is in no position to “negotiate” anything but a reduced sentence in exchange for a full confession.

    In fact, it is a matter of simple mathematics to realize the Khazarian controlled Western banking system is doomed. Even if you take the latest BIS statistics on outstanding derivatives contracts of $707 trillion as of June 2011 at face value (the true numbers are in the quadrillions or more according to some sources) you can see the system is doomed. With world GDP at around $65 trillion, you have banks betting over ten times that amount against each other. Each derivative is a bet against a counterparty.

    That means for every winner there is an equal loser. Some very big banks have certainly lost more money than exists in the real world.

    Every year January is a month for settlements of accounts among major banking players. January of 2012 is going to be a very interesting month. The talk is that Citibank, J.P. Morgan and Bank of America are among the doomed entities. Then of course there is the universal disgust at Goldman Sachs that is not going to go away quietly.

    US law enforcement agencies are continuing to zero in on Wall Street and the corrupt Washington political establishment but it looking increasingly likely that a financial system failure will appear before the slow wheels of justice grind inevitably towards the guilty parties. In Europe as well, the Khazarian control grid appears to be falling apart.

    Most importantly satanic Pope Benedict XVI has been rejected by most senior clergy and is dying. The installation of Khazarian puppets in Greece, in Italy, at the head of the European Central Bank and as President of the European Union has failed to do anything to prevent the Euro crisis from accelerating. Moves to make the EU more dictatorial failed to affect credit ratings or change the financial reality that the EU is bankrupt.

    In fact, CIA sources in Europe are now saying Germany has begun negotiations with Russia to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

    This would mean a Russian/German controlled Europe and leave the French as junior partners.

    The Khazarian satanic cabal is still considered unlikely and unwilling to go quietly into the night. They continue to try to start World War 3 with Iran and now Syria and they may well do something extremely nasty over the coming months unless they are stopped. For example, Japan is being threatened with a new set of Earthquakes and Tsunamis, this time targeting Tokyo.

    If Tokyo is attacked, then the Monaco bank in the Canary Islands will be knocked into the ocean, according to very powerful but anonymous sources that have their own nukes and their own HAARP machines. That will create a 100 meter or more tsunami that will hit New York and Washington. People will have time to evacuate but hopefully the waves will remove the filth that has built up in Wall Street and Washington D.C.

    In an effort to prevent such tragedies, US law enforcement agencies need to arrest the people who control the Pentagon payrolls: Donald Rumsfeld, James Baker, Frank Carlucci, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Wolfowitz, George Soros and their fellow gangsters. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will then be able to keep meeting payrolls as they return the US to constitutional government of the people, by the people and for the people.

    It is also worth pointing out again to the Khazarian Satanists that their money is no longer backed by anything and is thus worthless. Without money, they can no longer pay their thugs and bully boys. Suddenly, they will realize they are just weak old men with very few real friends.

    All in all though, there will be more turmoil in the coming weeks as the cabal continues its death throes.

    We can all still celebrate Christmas this year by returning to the true spirit of love and tolerance. If you are not Christian, you can always celebrate the beginning of the new solar year on December 25th. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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