Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ferguson shows the rest of the world just how stupid most of us actually are. It's pitiful.

It really irks me that other researchers I follow and respect are jumping on the Ferguson bandwagon calling foul over the court's decision not to indict.  This clearly shows the lack of public understanding of the court system, and is yet another reason I continue to urge folks to buy and learn  the Jurisdictionary® course by Dr. Fred Graves JD and for those seeking a more indepth research path of our legal system, visit
Certainly there are likely cia/fbi agent-provocateurs inciting race riots as there have been for years. However in this case from what I've seen including evidence presented and court proceedings the verdict not to indict is fully supported factually from several directions.  Everyone's so butthurt another black got shot; nevermind the fact he literally asked for it by grabbing an officer's gun after robbing a convenience store.  The guy was a thug and totally brought it upon himself.  In the officer's shoes I'd have done the same thing.  If blacks don't want to be butthurt over getting shot by cops, they should perhaps avoid criminal behavior and assaulting officers.  Just because a bunch of blacks get together and riot in the streets because one of their own asked to be shot by a cop doesn't mean they have the right to usurp the process of the courts.  Justice is truly blind folks.  This entire race bullshit needs to stop, it isn't helping anything.

On another note:  I don't have children (that I know of) but if and when I do, should anyone try something like this with my kid (because mine will be vaccine-free homebirthed and breastfed) they better bring an army because at that point I will be presenting a live demonstration of why the 2nd Amendment was drafted and adopted into our Constitution. The 2nd Amendment wasn't intended to encourage criminal activity, no, it was clearly created to allow the citizenry to protect itself against a corrupt government and standing armies. What I don't understand is why people aren't rioting in the streets about THIS:

Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital

Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital - See more at:
Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital - See more at:
Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital - See more at:

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