Friday, September 2, 2011

Weather weaponry furthers Agenda 21 with tropical storm "Lee" stirring up all the toxic contaminants of the 4-20-10 gulf falseflag disaster

As if right on cue, following the financial predictions from bloggers at zerohedge and the cleverly timed dismal jobless report released today, most Americans will be too busy getting drunk in their backyard barbecue parties, or burning down an effigy of a man in a satanic ceremoney-of-the-phoenix ritual at That Thing In The Desert; in either case most will be comfortably numb and unaware of the precipice we have just begun to topple off of, down a steep steep steep drop to World War Three.

FORCE MULTIPLIERS are being released en masse.  Irene was just one of the first.  The underground detonations in Virginia, excuse me "earthquakes" are another.  Lee is another.  There will be many more as the next few days progress steadily toward September 11, where isn't it funny that's the day Israel takes a vote on Palestine.  No, not funny.

And don't forget to take the wife and kids to see Hollywood's newest creation on Sept 9, Contagion.  Fun for the whole family.  Don't forget to review Twelve Monkeys and I Am Legend while you're at it.

I have been warning everyone since DAY ONE these events would befall us and here we are.  Prepare for falseflag events the likes of which you had never thought possible, and pray.

Pray.  Like your lives depend on it.

Gay military magazine coming to US bases

Tropical Storm Lee triggers states of emergency along Gulf

A Privately Owned Nuclear Weapons Plant in…Kansas City?

Report: Jacksonville Recalls All Police Scanners From Media; Restricts Access To Communications; DHS Involvement Possible

Ben Fulford reports change in global power structure

Bloody September

Lyall Watson - Supernature pdf

Brazil: EspĂ­ritu Santo state has over 48,000 dengue cases this year

Mortality among survivors of the Sept 11, 2001, World Trade Center disaster

Japan: Fukushima radiation maps released

ETC Group Calls on UK Government to Halt Geoengineering Experiment

The Great Culling (Fluoride) by Paul Wittenberger – Trailer

Bloomberg: Crack in reactor containment structure at quake-hit Virginia nuke plant — Press tour not taken to see crack or spent fuel pool building

Slow-moving, major typhoon to hit Japan this weekend — Heavy rainfall expected for Fukushima, disaster zone

Radioactive slag used for road construction in New York, 10X normal radiation — “It is on all of the people’s lawns” says contractor (VIDEO)

Black smoke seen rising from North Anna nuclear plant after Virginia quake

9/2/2011 — 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Alaska – TSUNAMI WARNING ISSUED for Alaska.wmv

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